Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 1: January - A Year Through My Cellphone Begins...

One day, bored before going to bed, I started to scroll through the pictures in my cellphone. I've had this phone for over 2 years and needless to say I've accumulated quite a few photos! I started to notice a trend in things I liked to photograph (other than the obvious silly drunken faces and pictures of my dog) and wondered if I could fill up and entire calendar year with pictures from my cellphone grouped in themes every month.

Here is that experiment...

The months will have the following themes:

January - Winter or Snow
February - Love
March - Luck
April - Rain
May - Flowers
June - Horses or Butterflies or Baseball (not sure yet)
July - American
August - Summer Fun
September - School
October - Halloween
November - Fall Colors
December - Christmas

Hope you enjoy my adventure :)

Today's Picture: Taken early one morning on my way to school driving through Smithtown, NY. No special effects used, just the actual light reflecting off the snow in this color.